SEO: the base of web marketing

we distinguish natural SEO is done via free search engines and sponsored links (or SEO business) that is more akin to advertising within the search results.

(SEO): one of the most competitive practices
require very close monitoring.

Indeed, for each keyword, the ranking of sites on google (over 85% of searches) evolves every day.

Are considered: the number of occurrences of the keyword on your page within the text but also the importance of your site on the web measured by the number of links pointing to your site and post ...

Google offers some interesting tools on this subject: the pagerank (TrustRank) or the suggestion of keywords.

Commercial indexing (SEM):

If SEO is too competitive, Google also offers the Addwords solution of paying per click for a selection of keywords. Your site appears on the right side of the search on the first page. It is also not need a large budget because it can set a daily budget aximum. It is a technique that I practice on this website from time to time.

Yahoo search marketing also offers some tools such as the Trusted feed (stalled) or search monkey which displays thumbnails in the results.


This system is very useful, both to bring traffic to your site and improve its SEO. .. It is not uncommon to see Ninja linking practice of leaving links to all sites
conceivable See

However, to establish a system of permanent links, better partnerships with other sites even if it sometimes requires lengthy legal discussions.
Indeed, in addition to sharing links, it becomes possible to share content, visibility ..etc

An expensive but easy way to pass this netlinking to increase its visibility affiliation is still little used in France.

E-mail marketing:

an excellent tool fidélisation..à provided you do not abuse it.

E mailings: the differences that are periodic newsletters, the mailings are punctual and much more focused to promote new products or events .In sending relevant information via an encapsulated Text and Html format, this ensures perfect
reception provides the opening of nearly 20% and click rates averaged 4% rate.

Newsletters: General sent several tens of thousands of contacts or targeted by industry or region, they help to keep the relationship with customers.

Tools that you do not think:

Web Conferencing: New tools can present products to many customers through web conferences. These tools are also useful for e-learning.
Web conferencing tools: netviewer, webex..dépendant the number of guests.

CD / DVD: possible to offer products of high quality graphics (3D) presentations but also offer catalogs powerful products or mini web sites dedicated.

Tools for the future:

Rich media: the interweaving of audio applications, videos etc. .. creates a "rich" content on your site. Here we are at the beginnings of the subject that will soon result in the new convergent media of the 21st century .. more passive TV but a large interactive screen .. and it is tomorrow! It is already possible to offer video emailing but the flow of client connections sometimes remains problematic.

Mash ups: very useful to put some originality on a site, can also provide the functional level, such as with Google maps that allows you to specify the precision of a store on a dynamic map.

Widgets: Windows fills a little up on Apple and tools of the future with Vista. These gadgets will soon be the subject of a bitter battle for control screens. Indeed, what could be better than a permanent visibility in front of the client! The secret will remain as ever the relevance of the application .. we can even dreaming combined mashup / widget to provide the customer a real dashboard integrating all the user requirements as proposed on-Blog
retention and recommendation

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